Happy Eid! It's finally over. Finally. I'm so excited that I will have steaming hot coffee tomorrow curled up on my sofa, absorbing the morning or rather
As I drag my feet out the door, there is an evil vs. good battle raging in my head. "Go to sleep!" "Go to work!" "Go to sleep!" "Go to work!" and so it goes, all the way to the parking lot at the office. And everyday as I walk in fasting my sins away, my colleagues would look at me and giggle, because I look comically angry at the morning for ever existing. Why? Why must one wake up? It's so painful without caffeine. I hate people who look amazing so early in the day. How? Did you start last night? I look so pretty at night, everything snaps back into place at around
And then the challenge begins. Making important phone calls where you have to explain a lot of technical details and give historical backgrounds is very difficult when you’re running on empty, and not really embracing your fast.
“blableee boo boo mumu plee plee…”
“Sorry, Good Morning, can I please…bleh fur miskru me mo?”
Dial tone…
Okay, forget verbal communication, let’s go to email. It might take an hour to type something coherent, but at least I can click send when I’m good and ready.
Yes my friends, when you fast you feel humbled. You taste the hunger of the poor and the challenges of the deprived and ultimately the stupidity of the unintelligent.
So now that Eid is upon us, I’m going back to step class, spinning and the occasional jog around the compound. The only exercise I did for the past month was leaning forward to get the remote, and then the hourly clicking from one tragedy “musalsal” to the other. That motivated me less to move, and more to cry in mourning for the non-existence of creativity in khaleeji TV productions. (This will be addressed in another post, soon, while it’s still FRESH in my mind)
But before I “happy” myself to death, I have to plan what I’m wearing tomorrow and how I’m going to survive/avoid the 247 family visits that I’m told I have to make in one morning.
Oh, didn’t I tell them? I don’t do Eid in the mornings. Eid is a
Wish me luck. I’ll either be home at 5pm, or sitting miserably somewhere politely smiling on the outside and nodding at people, who keep asking me who my mother is and when I’m gonna get pregnant.
You. Are. Hilarious!
btw, you look lovely, even when dragging your coffeeless face into the office every morning with a slightly guilty expression on it.. gamar :p
"and then the hourly clicking from one tragedy “musalsal” to the other. That motivated me less to move, and more to cry in mourning for the non-existence of creativity in khaleeji TV productions.”
I’ll try to make this as short as possible:
As you have touched on this subject I HAVE to comment… that judging by this years Ramadan series('s) My suspisions over the years have been confirmed..WE HAVE A PROBLEM! And it’s one of two things,, #1- we (GCC in general) are either people who have constant tragedy, loss, and are doomed to utter sadness (thus the creation of over dramatized dramas),,, or #2 take the easy route of only making tragic drama’s since it’s much eaiser to do then comedies! Not that we havn’t seen ‘attempts’ at comedy which only end up being rude and exaggerated humor or what I would call “cryadies”…. The problem may lie in several areas but whatever the case, the problem needs to be looked at,, and producers take into consideration that the viewrs of this day are more “global” and educated and need to be addressed in that manner rather than being belittled.
Please keep your blogs coming, I’ve really been enjoying them.
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