I hate Grill and Bloody Chill. I miss Dairy Queeeeeen!!!! Who's bright idea was it to change the damn menu? Okay I understand you needed to put lovely new slate tiles and cosy stone cladding on the walls to give us that nice ski lodge look, but did you have to change the chicken burger? Why? It was one of mine and many other people's favorite treats at DQ. The only chicken sandwich in all of Bahrain's fast food joints, which actually felt like all its parts belonged together. All the others were slippy, slidey and ill-fitting, like there was just something which wasn't quite right. Not the Chickee Chicken, the McChicken, nor the KFC chicken burgers had the lovely harmonious cohesion of the DQ chicken burger. It fit together as one, the crispy tender fillet was just the right size, nestled lovingly in the sesame bun, the lettuce dignified, chopped and not too overwhelming and there was none of this crappy let's include tomatoes for .0001 grams of lycopene. I'll skip the nutrients….that's why I'M AT DQ, FOR BLOODY HELL'S SAKE. Besides, did you know tomatoes are close cousins of tobacco? So thank you, since smoking is soooo late 90's, I'd like no cigarettes in my sandwich!
This tantrum was thrown last night at 12:30 am when I made my husband drive me to Dairy Queen Salmaniya for a long-awaited nostalgic meal after a week or so of having difficulty with food. Having lost the ability to keep food on the inside, I was beginning to rethink my feelings towards food, and decided that I should love it all unconditionally and never judge it. However that was before I realized that a demanding hungry woman hopped up on surging hormones will not compromise on the specifications of her all-time favorite sandwich. When we rolled up to the window I leaned all the way over my Husband's lap towards his window and gave the woman a big smile so that she would feel compelled to do as I asked.
"Hi, can I get the Crispy chicken sandwich with cheese…the way it was done befoooore?" I requested as sweetly as I could.
I was met with a puzzled look and slight annoyance.
"You know, when it was delicious? Befoooore Grill & Chill?" I continued, hopeful.
"Chopped letooooos?" She said, resigned to the fact that she couldn't play dumb anymore.
"Yes." I answered happily, recognizing that there was a stream of underground Grill & Chill haters who have probably been requesting the very same thing since the stupid change.
We added an ice cream treat for Nayef and one for me for being so polite, as she proceeded to yell the order into the microphone referring to the preparation of my burger as "old style". Yes thank you! Old bloody style! Was that so hard now? Just leave it on the menu and train all those new food preparers exactly how it was made, keep the memory alive damn it. Don't forget him…my "oldstyle" chicken burger with cheese. Oh I want to weep and so will you when I tell you what happened next.
As we drove home, and I blissfully embraced my food, sneaking fries here and there, I wasn't aware, that in that bag, in the darkness of the night's highways was none other than…THE BASTARD REPLACEMENT IMPOSTER FAKE WANNABE crispy stupid chicken WITH BIG LETTUCE! Oh but the screaming and cursing when I sat down on the sofa to open my treasure.
"THOSE BASTARD, MOTHER@#$$%$, SONS OF @#$%$^^% how could they????"
As my husband stood speechless by the door, wondering whether it was safer for him to run back outside into the late night and hitchhike as far away from me as he possibly could, I yelled and cursed and strangled the pathetic excuse for a sandwich feeling the betrayal and mockery of that woman who had promised me "chopped letooooooos, old-style!"
"They put a goddamn tomato!!! Why?? Tell me? Can we go back?"
"No, Farah, just throw the tomato out. Like hell we're going back." He bravely stood his ground, not knowing what the results would be.
"But it made a print…on the cheese, and look at this bed sheet sized lettuce!" I groaned going all noodly and floppy like kids do when they know they have no convincing case.
Of course, since we were all here, and no one was going to drive me back to wreak havoc on the chilling grill, I decided to bite into this idiot sandwich which bore no resemblance to it's beautiful predecessor. I thought, you know, it might be just fine, and perhaps I did over react…a tad.
Nope! It sucks. The chicken fillet tastes like a boot, it's hard and oddly shaped long-wise, sticking out of both sides of the new thicker, unnecessarily bouncier bread buns. The wings of lettuce made the sandwich look like it could fly away, if only they stayed put as you bit into it. But instead of being one with the sandwich they kept shooting out the sides, lubricated by the oddly spread mayonnaise. The cheese looked sad hugging the fillet, as if it had been killed on it, rather than melted with the warmth of 15 candles. And last but not least, I glared with contempt at the stupid slice of tomato which served no purpose, but to soggy up the bread and increase the velocity of the lettuce on its way out. Chopped letoooos my ass.
As I tossed the dissected mess into the box, I decided that the battle was over. The people behind the scenes that night at Grill & Smell had no idea what "old style" was. I will never again revive my old pal the DQ chicken sandwich with cheese. I'm going to have to find a way to recreate it at home, for those once in a while nostalgic feelings of being in high school again.
Oh well, nothing lasts forever.
I miss DQ too. I loved going there as a kid and absolutely loved their chicken sandwich. When I felt like pigging out, the ultimate burger would hit the spot. Everything there was gr8! SIGH I hate Chill & Grill, just the name irks me...On a side note, I love tomatoes on my chicken sammy!
Whoa! Poor Nayef is all I can say, and I hope that Faisal Jawad reads this account, maybe he'll correct the situation and give you a life-time free ice cream just for your loyalty to the brand!
Yeah, I liked D&Q too. They were the "quality" joint from all the other fast food Styrofoam vendors.
youre not the only one. i had a fit when they turned to grill and chill.
you know what i used to get ALL the time? the lovely chicken strip basket, with that yummy pepper sauce and amazinggggggg toasted buttered bread. those two slices of heaven made the change from your average big chicken nuggets to a basket of heaven
so i go into grill and chill, order it... and guess what. i guess two pieces of sliced brown bread.
i asked for the regular bread and the guy said, sorry, its gone. this is the "healthy option".
Needless to say, DQ was never the same to me ever again
:| ammar beat me to it, but they did!! they totaly effed up the chicken strips basket!! the bread is brown, the fries are weird the chicken stips are oily and the sauce.. well.. goodbye good taste, hellow stomach ache...
*sigh*.. i want my dairy queen back
Oh I'm so glad there are people who understand! But I researched this Grill & Chill Fiasco last night and it turns out it's not a local decision...Warren Buffet decided it would be prettier...
However, all their food now sucks. i don't like anything on their menu anymore...except the vanilla sundae...that hasn't changed.. ;)
Chicken basket with cheese.. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm I just had lunch but if there was one in front of me right now, I would inhale it without a doubt.
everything was better back in the day (listen to me! i sound OLD!)
check the 80's/90's section on my page for a few memories
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