I’m not suffering from writer’s block, nor am I lacking in entertaining writing material, but somehow I haven’t written anything non-work related since July 2nd. I am very disappointed with myself. But I have to say, that it’s been a tumultuous, revelation-filled, mind-turning, epiphany-infested sort of year for me. I have spiraled upwards into a higher level of life experiences and as they all say… you find yourself at 30.
Well, I haven’t quite turned 30 yet, but I will in a few weeks.
I don’t feel 30 nor do I think I look 30, but I do feel a substantial inkling that I finally know exactly who I am. Which is what’s supposed to happen. You suddenly just “know” things.
I know what I’m supposed to say, when I’m supposed to say it, how I’m supposed to say it and when to keep my mouth tightly shut. (Although sometimes against my own better judgement, I keep blabbering on…like now for instance.)
But throughout the intensive thinking and pondering, which was keeping me busy from my blogging, here is what I have found out about myself and probably a million other women on the cusp of their third decade.
Three important things:
I no longer let petty office work enslave me nor fret over menial tasks. It is not the most important thing on earth. If you make mistakes, that’s great; they’re effective crash courses minus the boring lectures. Make informed decisions, stand by what you know, and do the best you can in the allocated time. That’s it. Then go home and have a fulfilling life.
I don’t have to be polite all the time, because ultimately, that will lead me to be an internally rude person with lots of road rage. Rather than just smile and swear on the inside, I am going to simply say “no” to unreasonable requests, imposing demands, and time-wasting activities.
I’m no longer afraid of looking stupid. In fact, I don’t really care anymore what people think. I have recognized that I am wonderful and my faults are just like anyone else’s. Self-esteem sky rockets after this revelation. It’s the best part.
And since at 30 you require more sleep than a 20 year old, (or look like a panda if you don’t get enough) I will now go pass out so that I can go to work tomorrow and continue my silent protest towards corporate slavery…Bon Nuit.